Celebrating Veterans Day

In honor of Veterans Day, consider reflecting on the role of veterans in your school community. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, veterans make up eight percent of the adult population in the U.S. It is very likely that you have students with a family history of military service. Additionally, some students may be currently adapting to life with actively serving veteran parents or guardians.

To recognize the value of service and translate the demonstrated loyalty and sacrifice of service into hiring veterans, Boards of Directors may opt to formalize a veterans’ preference in purchasing or hiring. Adding the policy is optional, but the state does require all public schools to utilize veterans’ preference in hiring and may also apply special conditions for dismissal depending on the position. For example, if you use a 100-point hiring system for evaluating teachers, there should be a ten- or fifteen-point preference for veterans and disabled veterans, respectively. Other requirements apply, so consider honoring Veterans Day by looking over your hiring practice and valuing their service through compliance with the Veterans' Preference Act.


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