Engaging Families at Your School

Today we’d like to continue the theme of Mary McLeod Bethune’s legacy by discussing the modern federal Title I policy. In her last will and testament, Bethune wrote “Our children must never lose their zeal for building a better world. They must not be discouraged from aspiring toward greatness, for they are to be the leaders of tomorrow.” Title I supports that thirst for learning and aspiration by ensuring that families are actively engaged to participate in the educational process. Let’s take a look at those requirements.

Schools accepting Title I funds are required to create a policy that explains to parents how the school will comply with regulations and create an agreement with the parents. The school should collect and use parental feedback to improve their Title I programs and develop the plan collaboratively. If you cringe at the thought of inviting family participation in the planning process, you are not alone. Fortunately, there are tools in public participation that can assist you in planning and executing effective engagement. Planning with families can strengthen and focus their contributions to their children’s education, improving educational outcomes at the school! As your charter school policy partner, we can assist you in planning, executing, or setting policy for public participation, so save a headache and give us a call.


Happy Hearts and Healthy Students


Black History Month: Mary McLeod Bethune