Taking Another Look at School Hazards

Just a few weeks before COVID-19 turned our lives upside-down, our newsletter focused on protecting your staff and students from potential hazards at your school. While we don’t want to minimize the impact that the virus has had on our schools and in our lives, we do try to find a silver lining to the situation. The empty halls and classrooms make it easier to take your time identifying potential hazards at your school.

The Minnesota School Safety Center (MnSSC) is an excellent resource to use for information about school assessments. They have created a Safe School Assessment Checklist that schools can use when conducting their own assessments. In addition, they include other resources that can be used to help you comply with the Minnesota requirement that schools be a place free from recognized hazards. Contact MnSSC to learn more about their services and help you to meet Minnesota safety standards.


Creating family involvement in your distance learning plans


Attendance in a Distance Learning World