Transportation Safety
As staff and administrators continue to prepare for an unpredictable fall semester, we are continuing to look at various school policy elements that may be affected by this new environment. With this week targeted for determining plans for learning models during the year, identifying weaknesses in your transportation safety policies can help maintain safe and healthy school environments from bus stop to school and back. Most of our school partners work with other organizations to provide school transportation, so it will be important to provide common understanding on routes, cleanliness, and personal protective equipment for bus staff, parents at the stop, and students. Have you considered how your communicable disease policy and health and safety policies interact with transportation, when buses and vans are an extension of the school location? Taking an integrated look at policies is one of many benefits of working with your policy concierge.
In case you missed it, the state has several opportunities open to apply for additional financial assistance under the CARES Act. Whether you need additional funding to accommodate social distancing in transportation or additional Title I or ESSA funds for increased expenses in school operations. We do offer free technical assistance in navigating grant applications.