What is your New Year's Resolution?
A new year means new beginnings and may include trying out new solutions to old problems. Some make goals, others use resolutions, but the purpose is the same: become the change we want to see. Have you thought about your resolutions for the year? What about for your school? For your school and your board, are your guiding documents and policies in a place where they are current and useful? Perhaps this is the year where you make an engaging review accessible to your board and maintain a sustainably updated collection of board policies.
Our mission at Civic Intelligence LLC is to empower administrators to achieve excellence in managing the seemingly unmanageable or unaffordable challenges in government administration. This year, we are running a special promotion to assist charter school partners in getting started on policy services, “Resolve 2020.” This policy package will include updates to your most important policies crafting them into something more useful than generic school district legalese. We work with you to integrate your operations in policy and continuously engage your board in the process, demonstrating your excellence in governance. The best part is, these services are available starting at $220 per month, discounted to $2,020 per year with a 2-year agreement. Please visit our website to learn more about the offer.