Free Assistance During COVID-19 Pandemic

In response to Governor Walz’s order to close schools beginning this Wednesday due to COVID-19, we have developed a Distance Learning Policy that incorporates the requirements that the state has created. Translating pages of state guidance into operational board direction shouldn’t be the focus of your time. We offer this policy and support to customize it to your school for free to assist in this emergency. Once adopted, this policy should be shared with your school community, so website posting is important along with other distribution methods. Click here to view all of our free resources.

Throughout Sunday’s situation update, the Walz administration focused on one theme when it came to distance learning: equity. Minnesota expects that distance learning policies don’t leave any student behind. When crafting your learning program, don’t neglect to include vulnerable populations. These groups include students requiring IEP or 504 assistance, homeless students, and English learners. Minnesota has issued guidance for considering ways to help these groups but has left a lot of flexibility to individual schools with how to implement those requirements.

The MDE School Closure Guidance document does an excellent job of outlining the different elements to consider while developing your distance learning procedures. From a policy perspective, consider reviewing some of your other policies to ensure compatibility. This would include your crisis management, e-learning (if you have one), data privacy, and attendance policies. If you need extra assistance, we are here to help.


Holding Board Meetings During a Pandemic


Preparing for COVID-19